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E-LOGOS student is journal for doctoral students and young researchers.

National Heraldy

E-LOGOS student has been founded in 2011 as continuation of Excellent students papers section of E-LOGOS Journal. It is is published by Department of Philosophy of University of Economics, Prague. E-LOGOS student is published continuously during year to take advantage of specific character of Internet media. It covers the fields of epistemology, ethics, social and political philosophy, history of philosophy, logic, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, philosophy of science and other areas.

Editorial board

Tomáš Kunca (VŠE Praha, Czech Republic)
Ján Pavlík (editor-in-chief) (VŠE Praha, Czech Republic)
Karel Pstružina (VŠE Praha, Czech Republic)
Miroslav Vacura (executive editor) (VŠE Praha, Czech Republic)
Jiří Vaněk (VŠE Praha, Czech Republic)
Miroslav Vlček (VŠE Praha, Czech Republic)

Editor’s address

Katedra filosofie, Národohospodářská fakulta, Vysoká škole ekonomická v Praze, Nám. W. Churchilla 4, 130 67 Praha 3, Czech Republic.

Call for Papers

Students and young researchers can submit the electronic version of your essays or research papers suitable for publication in the E-LOGOS to the electronic address (editor-in-chief) or (executive editor). The peer review procedure is reciprocally anonymous. The texts published in E-LOGOS can be later published in any printed journal.

New papers (Including "Excellent student essays")